Here is Talia and Romwe story...
"Talia earned her wings on July 16th after six and half year battle with childhood cancer. August 18th would have been Talia's 14th birthday.
Talia touched the lives of thousands through social media. Her make up tutorial on Youtube earned her 1,192,000 subscribers and 517,000 fans on Facebook. In addition, she told the story of her fight with cancer through Vlogs in an insightful and inspiring way. During The Ellen Show, she was asked how does she keep her spirits up? Her answer; “What can I do? Be depressed? A little fish once told me, just keep swimming.”
Talia contacted us to join our fashion Vloggers Team this past April. By this chance, Talia and Romwe's design Team, designed special leggings together. Talia said “make up is my wig”, so she suggested some makeup-inspired images to print on the leggings. Lip-print Black-white Leggings, Colorful Lip-print White Leggings, Lipstick Print White Leggings
But after the leggings arrived, Talia was not able to enjoy them, as she was too sick.
We know that Talia is with us forever, not only with Romwe Team, but also with all Romwers. Also we will donate for Talia’s favorite charity, BASE Camp Children's Cancer Foundation, to help more children and bring hope home for the children who are fighting child cancer. It will starts on Sep 27th. "
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